Call For Proposal

Be a speaker at theDevArmy's Meetup 🎤

Do you love sharing your learning with the community? Wants to deliver a talk at theDevArmy’s event/meet-up?

Let us know by filling out the following form!

Do let us know the date/month when you will be able to deliver the talk.
Note: We organize a meetup on any one Sunday of every month, so it would be preferable if you let us know on which Sunday of which month you wish to deliver the talk
Is this you first talk?*
Share a photo of you.*
Note: We will use this photo of you for social media announcements

Previous Speakers

Checkout who have been with us 🎤

Mr. Prathmesh Mutkure

MLH Web3 Fellow'23 | LFX'23 CNCF Jaeger

Mr. Sankalp Kotewar

SDE-II, Microsoft

Mr. Shrirang Kahale

Open Source Enthusiast

Mr. Vipul Wairagade

Project Manager

Mr. Shivam Joshi

Founder, Codons